Business Administration

Faculty of Economics “Giorgio Fuà”

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Business Administration

Area Economics
Degree Code L-18 – Business Administration
Language Italian
Admission Free
Venue San Benedetto del Tronto, Palazzo Vannicola, Via del Mare 220
Lectures On site

Features and aims of the course


The Course is articulated into two curricula that have a highly professionalising nature.
The curriculum “Administration and control of companies” aims to train students able to work as middle/junior manager or consultant within the administration, control, finance and human resources functions. It also aims to train students who, following the internship and the state exam, as regulated by extant regulations, aim to undertake the professions of expert accountants, statutory auditors or labour consultants.
The curriculum “Marketing and digital business”, on the contrary, aims to train students able to work as middle/junior manager or consultant in the commercial and marketing functions.


The Course aims to provide a multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary training that allows students to face and manage increasingly complex business dynamics. In particular, the Course includes a balanced mix of courses in the economics, business administration, legal, mathematical-statistical and historical-sociological areas.

The courses of the first two years, mainly compulsory, aim to establish solid common foundations for all the professional figures that the Course aims to train. The courses of the third year, partly compulsory and partly elective, aim to build more specific skills according to the chosen curriculum and the target professional figure.


Middle/junior manager or consultant in the different business functions, in companies and organisations, of every nature, size, economic sector and national context. Following the internship and the state exam, as regulated by extant regulations, expert accountant, statutory auditor or labour consultant.


As a result of the agreement stipulated between the Faculty of Economics “G. Fuà” of the Università Politecnica delle Marche and the Faculty of Economics and Agribusiness of the Agricultural University of Tirana (Albania), those who participate in the double degree program can obtain a qualification from both universities participating in the agreement.


President of the course:
Prof. Simone Poli

Ufficio Orientamento e Tutorato
Tel: +39 071 2203037 – 3038


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The course in numbers


of students enrol in the Master program

36% of students enter in the labour market


of Graduate students are satisfied with the study choice


of students are satisfied with professors’ clarity


of students are satisfied with professors’ availability